
Add Fun & Games to Your Server

Engage your community with interactive games, fun commands, and social features

Ship Calculator

Calculate the love compatibility between two users. Get a detailed compatibility score and a beautiful visualization of your potential match!

/ship @user1 @user2
Today at 20:42

| The name of the ship is Gwee&Kwee!

| The compatibility score is 100%.

This is beautiful!

Ship compatibility preview
2 players

Tic Tac Toe

Classic game of X's and O's

/game tictactoe
2 players

Rock Paper Scissors

Challenge others to this timeless game

/game rps
1 player


Test your knowledge with friends


Explore All Commands

Discover all the fun features available


Interactive games to play with friends

/game tictactoe
/game rps
/game hangman
/game unscramble
and more...

Fun Commands

Entertaining commands to spice up your chat

/fun stonks
/fun banana
/fun bonk
and more...

Social Features

Share moments and interact with other members

/fun match
and more...

Shall we begin our story?