Ask Neko's magic 8-ball
Hit your head in frustration.
Explosion! Create a spectacular explosion.
Applaud in approval.
Cook something delicious for yourself or someone else.
Cry sadly. u.u
Dab stylishly.
Dance to the rhythm of the music.
Eat with gusto.
Facepalm in disbelief.
Soar the skies and fly high!
Glare in anger.
Jump with excitement.
Laugh heartily.
Approve with a thumbs-up.
Play like a pro.
Make an adorable pout.
Run at full speed.
Sing your heart out.
Take a sip of your favorite drink.
Sleep peacefully.
Be smug with attitude.
Think deeply.
Ew... Vomit in disgust.
Wag your tail happily.
Wink playfully.
Adds a channel where I won't remove the AFK status
Shows the list of ignored channels
Shows the list of AFK members
Removes a member from the AFK list
Removes all members from the AFK list
Removes the AFK reason of a member
Removes a channel from the ignore list
Sets your AFK state
Brings a random bunny image :3
Brings a random kitty image :3
Brings a random puppy image :3
Brings a random dolphin image :3
Brings a random duck image :3
Brings a random fox image :3
Brings a random otter image :3
Brings a random panda image :3
Brings a random parrot image :3
Brings a random penguin image :3
Brings a random raccoon image :3
Brings a random snake image :3
Brings a random turtle image :3
Allows the channel to receive news and alerts of new episodes
You fall in love
Shows the latest episodes from Crunchyroll and other sources
The FBI arrives! - FBI OPEN UP
Random images of girls with kawaii ears
Random neko girl images
Random images of Nekotina
Random images of Yuudachi
Random images of Rem
Random images of Shinobu
Random waifu images
Poses like JoJo
List your saved animes
Omae wa ou shindeiru
Responds with a random neko gif
See the latest news published by Animanga
Recommends a random anime
rero rero rero
Searches for the source of an anime
Popular animes of this week
You become tsundere
You become yandere
Searches for songs on Apple Music.
Talk to Nekotina AI. It can help you create content, design solutions, and simplify things.
Subasta un item de tu mochila.
Oferta por un item subastado.
Mira tus pujas en subastas.
Cancela la subasta de un item.
Mira la lista de tus items subastados.
Busca items subastados.
Incrementa el límite de subastas simultáneas que puedes tener.
Toggles autoplay on/off.
Mira tu colección de items
Mira tu balance o el de un usuario
Banea a un usuario
Boost the bass of the music player.
Allows the server to celebrate your birthday.
Set your birthday date
Deny your birthday celebration in this or all servers.
List the birthdays to celebrate today in the server.
Show the server configuration.
Add a user to your block list
Shows your block list
Remove a user from your block list
Lista las sanciones que ha recibido un usuario
Shows the list of server characters (ai)
Resets your conversation history with a character (ai)
Shows the information of a server character (ai)
Chat with Neko AI in a dedicated thread
Ask Neko and she will choose between one of the options.
Recibe tu recompensa diaria de donador
Claim a promo code for currency rewards
Clears the queue.
Limpia las advertencias de un miembro
Postula para ingresar a un club
Crea un club. Requiere nivel de perfil 3.
Deposita coins en el banco de tu club
Muestra información sobre un club
Muestra la experiencia acumulada de los miembros del club (semanal)
Abandona tu club
Muestra los registros del banco y almacén del club
Muestra sobre un miembro de tu club
Muestra las habilidades de tu club
Añade un item al almacén del club
Muestra el almacén del club
Retira un item del almacén del club
Retira coins del banco de tu club
Flips a coin
Creates a color palette for the server.
Send a confession to the server
Crea nuevos items en la forja
Muestra la lista de items crafteable
Crea nuevos items en la mezcla
Comete un crimen y gana coins
Recibe tu recompensa diaria
Shows the link to the server Dashboard.
Searches for songs on Deezer.
Deposita coins en tu banco
Creates a description of your image
Information to support me
Turn your dreams into reality by creating images generated by Artificial Intelligence.
Build and send an embed
Mix two emojis. >w<
Recolecta especies en la pesca
How long is your banana?
Bonk bonk hit a member with the bat
Gives a fun fact about cats. :3
Gives a fun fact about dogs. :3
Test your luck with a fortune cookie
Create an embed with up to 4 avatars!
Pet a member!
Spongify a text!
Show off that you are doing stonks
Find the impostor
Tweet something!
Guess the number I'm thinking of. Between 1 and 100. >w<
Play a round of Hangman.
Roll the dice and return a value between the range of two numbers
Play rock, paper, scissors.
Play TicTacToe with another user.
Guess the scrambled word. :3
Generates images through artificial intelligence.
Regala un item a un miembro
Sortea coins de tu balance
Sortea un item de tu mochila
Mira aleatoriamente un sorteo global activo
Sortea coins de tu balance para los miembros del servidor
Crea un sorteo personalizado para los miembros del servidor
Finaliza inmediatamente un sorteo en curso
Sortea un item de tu mochila para los miembros del servidor
Selecciona nuevos ganadores. Puedes reemplazar 1 ganador o todos
Establece un rol de organizador de sorteos
Remueve todos los roles y silencia a un miembro
Shows my commands.
Shows a random husbando
Searches for husbando information
Shows the top husbandos
Vote for your favorite husbando and help him climb the top!
Blurs an image
Bounces an image
Add caption text to an image
Explode an image
Flips an image (vertically)
Flips an image (horizontally)
Makes the GIF play only once
Turns the image into a globe and spins it
Applies a grayscale effect to an image
Implode an image
Inverts an image's color
Magikfy an image
Generates a meme from an image
Generates a image with motivational text
Pixelates an image
Reverses an animated image
Adds a sepia effect to an image
Adds a speech bubble to an image
Spins an image
Removes the caption text from an image
Makes the GIF play indefinitely
Shows information about me. >w<
Send your feedback and suggestions for the bot.
Muestra las comunidades más fieles a Nekotina
Report a user or server
Las reglas de la bot
Show my list of updates
Vote for Nekotina on, Dlist.GG and Discord Bot List
Check my wiki to see my guides and tutorials
Blast someone! Be careful.
Playfully bite a member or let me give you a nibble.
Say goodbye in general or to someone specific.
Pinch some cheeks in a playful way.
Snuggle with someone, or with me.
Feed a member or let me serve you some food.
Hold my hand or a member's hand to feel close.
Heal or revive a loved one gently.
Greet the server or someone in particular with joy.
Give a high five with enthusiasm!
A little hug, perhaps?
Give someone a playful kick.
Give someone a sweet kiss.
Playfully knock a server member out.
Lick someone in a cheeky way.
Gently pat someone on the back.
Playfully poke someone.
Playfully punch someone with affection.
Give someone a light slap... with kindness!
Playfully smack someone on the head.
Playfully give someone a little spank.
Playfully splash someone.
Spray your favorite substance on a member.
Gaze lovingly at someone.
Playfully tickle someone with affection.
Receive a link to invite me to any server you manage
Get information about an invite
Muestra información sobre un item
Invokes me to the voice channel.
Expulsa a un miembro
Sets my language on the server
Shows my language set on the server
Ver el ranking de jugadores
Envía una carta de amor a un miembro
Loop the current song.
Loop the current queue.
List your saved mangas
Recommends a random manga
Popular mangas of this week
Compra un item en el mercadito
Mira tus items en venta
Remueve un item que has listado en el mercadito
Busca items en el mercadito
Vende un item en el mercadito
Mejora la capacidad de tu puestito de ventas
Acepta una propuesta de matrimonio
Declina una propuesta de matrimonio
Te divorcias de alguien
Mira tus matrimonios
Propone matrimonio a un miembro
Add a role to all members
Remove a role from all members
Calculates a result from a mathematical expression
Recolecta tesoros en la minería
Shows the Minecraft: Java Edition avatar of the provided player name
Shows the Minecraft: Java Edition body of the provided player name
Shows the Minecraft: Java Edition head of the provided player name
Shows the Minecraft: Java Edition skin of the provided player name
Muestra la lista de sanciones activas (pendientes de expirar)
Move a song to another position
Silencia a un miembro
Muestra la lista de silenciados del servidor.
Mira una mascota tuya o de alguien más
Mejora tu nekodex
Mira tu nekodex o la de alguien más
Compra algo en la tiendita especial
Mira la lista de items disponibles en la tiendita especial
Changes the nickname of a member
Toggles the Nightcore effect.
Shows the current song information
Pause the current song.
Activa una de tus mascotas para interactuar con ella
Enfrenta una mascota oponente y escala en las clasificatorias
Baña a tu mascota activa y recibe algo de experiencia >w<
Abandona a tu mascota activa :c
Envía a explorar a tu mascota activa
Alimenta a tu mascota activa y recibe algo de experiencia >w<
Enfrenta la mascota de otro miembro del servidor
Muestra información sobre una mascota
Muestra la lista de mascotas existentes
Juega con tu mascota y recibe algo de experiencia >w<
Renombra a tu mascota
Muestra las estadísticas de tu mascota
Muestra tu mascota activa
Muestra mi latencia.
Adds a song to the queue from a link or title.
Adds a song to listen from a local file
Adds a new track to a music playlist.
Removes all tracks from a music playlist.
Creates a new music playlist.
Deletes a music playlist.
Moves a track from a music playlist to another position.
Adds a music playlist to the queue.
Adds a range of tracks from a music playlist to the queue.
Adds a track from a music playlist to the queue.
Removes a track from a music playlist.
Renames a music playlist.
Shows the track list of a music playlist.
Crea una encuesta basada en reacciones.
Muestra la lista de encuestas activas
Detiene una encuesta
Muestra el resultado de una encuesta
Enables access to premium perks for the server.
Shows your active premium server boosts.
Disables the premium perks from a server.
Cambia tu frase de perfil
Mira el estado de tus herramientas
Mira tu perfil de economía o el de alguien más
Deletes bot messages
Deletes messages related to bot commands
Deletes messages with embeds
Deletes messages that end with the entered words
Deletes messages with images
Deletes messages with invites
Deletes messages with links
Deletes messages that contain the entered words
Deletes messages with mentions
Deletes messages from a channel
Deletes messages that do not contain the entered words
Deletes messages that start with the entered words
Deletes messages that only have text
Deletes messages from a user
Mira la lista de quest disponibles
Toma una quest disponible
Shows the queue.
Starts a race between adorable little animals
Adds a radio to the music queue.
Mira el nivel y rango de economía
Express your anger.
BAKA! Express disagreement or frustration.
Blush in a flirty way.
You're feeling bored and seeking entertainment.
You feel confused and need clarity.
You feel disgusted by something unpleasant.
You're drunk and enjoying the night.
Experience a momentary failure.
You're happy and radiant.
You have naughty thoughts in mind.
You don't like it at all.
Stealthily observe.
Reveal your inner madness.
You're feeling sad and melancholic.
You're scared and seeking refuge.
Scream in a burst of excitement.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You shrug with indifference.
Smile with joy.
Giggle mischievously.
Think deeply and contemplate.
You got caught or failed at something.
Borra todos tus recordatorios activos
Lista tus recordatorios activos
Añade un recordatorio predefinido para usarlo más tarde
Limpia tu lista de recordatorios predefinidos personalizados
Remueve un recordatorio predefinido personalizado
Edita un recordatorio predefinido personalizado
Lista tus recordatorios predefinidos personalizados
Activa un recordatorio predefinido
Borra un recordatorio activo
Registra un recordatorio para tí
Removes one or multiple songs from the queue.
Repara un item
Replay the current song.
Give charisma to a member
Resume the current song.
Adds a role to a member
Changes the color of a role
Removes a role from a member
Send a message through me
Busca información sobre un anime
Searches a profile on Github
Search images on Google.
Search on Google
Searches a user on Instagram
Busca un canal en Kick
Searches the lyrics of the current song.
Searches the lyrics of a song from a title or URL.
Busca información sobre un manga
Search on Reddit
Searches a user on TikTok
Searches a channel on Twitch
Busca el reporte del clima de alguna localidad
Busca en Wikipedia Español
Search on YouTube
Jump to a specific time within the song duration.
Shows the server banner
Shows detailed information about a server channel
Shows the server discovery banner
Shows the server emojis
Shows the server icon
Shows detailed information about the server
Shows information about a role
Lists the members that have a role
Muestra la lista de roles del servidor
Ajusta tu configuración
Regala coins a un miembro
Identifies the name of a song from an audio or link
Calculates the love compatibility percentage between two people
Compra algo en la tiendita
La tiendita muestra el catálogo en venta
Vende un item en la tiendita
Shuffle the playlist randomly.
Skip one or more songs.
Enable slowmode in a channel
Removes slowmode from a channel
Banea y luego desbanea a un miembro para eliminar 7 días de mensajes
Searches for songs on SoundCloud.
Searches for songs on Spotify.
Busca y muestra un mensaje destacado
Shows my stats
Stops the song and clears the playlist.
Suggest something for the server
Summarizes a YouTube video
Shows an invitation link to my support server.
Permite a un rol crear/editar tags
Crea un tag
Elimina un tag
Edita un tag existente
Muestra un tag del servidor
Muestra la lista de tags del servidor
Remueve los permisos de un rol para crear/editar tags
Lista los roles que pueden crear/editar tags
Searches for songs on Tidal.
Aisla a un miembro
Toggle the Age Restriction on a channel.
Convert a video or audio to text
Translate text, image, or link to your locale
Riega tu arbolito
Regala items al arbolito del amor
Asigna el nombre de tu arbolito del amor
Propone ser compañero eterno a un miembro
Mira tu arbolito del amor
Answer a trivia question!
Remueve el ban de un usuario
Remueve el mute a un usuario
Remueve el aislamiento de un miembro
Remueve una advertencia a un miembro
Actualiza el motivo de una sanción
Usa o consume un item de tu mochila
Shows a user avatar
Shows a user banner
Shows detailed information about a user
Decodes a base64 string
Encodes a string in base64
Shows a color using hex
Converts an RGB color to hex
Download media from social media links (e.g., Instagram, TikTok, Twitter).
Shows a larger image of a custom emoji
Convert a currency to another
Converts an image to text
Genera una contraseña aleatoria segura.
Returns a random color with preview
Selecciona a un miembro aleatorio del servidor, incluyendo bots
Changes the volume of the music player.
Shows a random waifu
Searches for waifu information
Shows the waifu top
Vote for your favorite waifu and help her climb the top!
Advierte a un miembro
Muestra las advertencias de un usuario
Recibe tu recompensa semanal de donador
Retira coins de tu banco
Aplica al trabajo de tus sueños.
Renuncia a tu trabajo.
Muestra una lista de trabajos disponibles.
Completa un turno de trabajo.
Muestra tu progreso en el trabajo actual.
Mira los mejores empleados de tu profesión.
Miras las zonas de economía disponibles